OSD600 Lab 1

 How did you go about finding someone to work with?

I put up a message on Slack and got a reply from someone, I sent them my contact info and we revied each others code.

What was it like testing and reviewing someone else's code? Did you run into any problems? Did anything surprise you?

At first, it was a little intimidating because I have never done something like this before, but after trying it, it was not as bad as I thought it would be. It's funny how a lot of times we are scared to do something but once we do it we realize we were scared for nothing. One minor problem I had was after I ran npm install to download the node modules I have to update some of them but after that, it worked great! There was nothing that surprised me.

What was it like having someone test and review your code? Were you surprised by anything?

Having someone review and test my code is a very good feeling because you know no matter what happens during the review, you will benefit from it. Two sets of eyes are better then one so even if the person can't find anything wrong you can use their feedback as confirmation your code works well. There was not anything that surprised me.

What kind of issues came up in your testing and review?

Minor errors in regards to documenting code and what I put in the readMe file.

Provide links to issues you filed, and discuss what you found


Needed to make the readMe file more clear/specific


Modify the file structure of the project to make it more organized.


Do not include node_modules when committing


Specify what each library is for in the readMe

Provide links to issues that were filed on your repo, and what they were about


ReadMe was not clear enough


Confirmed I did the correct version arguments


Did not need to include node_modules when committing

Were you able to fix all your issues? What was that like?

I was not able to fix the node_modules issue. This was a bit frustrating but I understand I am still learning and it takes time. I am also aware open source encourages collaboration so if I am not able to fix something there is a possibility someone else my sees my code and provide a fix. The same goes for everyone else, someone may have a bug that they can't fix I may be able to fix for them.



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